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Frequently Asked Questions

Where are classes/where should I park?

Seasonal Outdoor location - School House Park:  5445 Marlborough Drive Whitefish Bay, WI
Park anywhere along the park.

Main Studio - Creator Collaborative Studio:  151 E. Silver Spring Rd. Whitefish Bay, WI
Park on the street or walk and park your stroller in our lobby.

Rhythm Kids classes - Brass Bell 210 W. Silver Spring Dr. Whitefish Bay, WI
Park in the lot and walk right in.

What happens if I have to miss a class?
We have limited make-up spots available each week via our make-up scheduler.  Families are encouraged to let us know if they have to miss a class due to vacation or illness.  That absence will be added to the calendar for others to claim.  Most families are able to get their classes in through this "swapping" system.  Our "Bonus Week" (week 9) will also provide limited make-up opportunities.  Stay tuned for more information on how to sign up for make-ups during Bonus Week.

What happens if there is a weather emergency or if my teacher gets sick?
We live in Wisconsin - snow happens...and so do germs!  We will cancel classes due to weather if the Whitefish Bay School District is cancelling school - if the weather gets better in time for later classes, we may still meet later in the day.  You will be notified via email, text and a notice will be posted on facebook/instagram. NOTE:  Due to Covid-19, we have become very accustomed to classes on Zoom - weather-related cancellations may still meet live on Zoom.  There are no refunds for weather-related Zoom classes.  

If your teacher is too ill to teach, we will do our best to find a substitute to fill in.  If no one is able to fill in, we will utilize the 9th week to make-up the class. 

Can I bring an extra grown-up to class?
Absolutely!  The more grow-ups, the more fun!

Can one caregiver/nanny register children from multiple families (or his/her own child) at the sibling rate?
Every unique household must have its own songbook and C.D. - this is per the Music Together license agreement.  Because the songs are trademarked, each family must have its own songbook.  Please contact Ms. Kristen regarding this special circumstance for the pricing.  

My older children have the day off from school, can they come to music?
Your older children are welcome to attend music class once or twice per session on school-days off.  However, they must either stay in the classroom and fully participate for the duration of class, or stay in the lobby with a quiet activity.  We cannot have big sibs coming and going throughout class, as it is far too distracting for the little ones who so look up to them.  Please talk to your big sibs before attending class about the expectations for behavior - mainly - no running in the classroom - and staying in one area for the duration of class.

Can we take pictures during class?
It is encouraged to keep your phones tucked away during class so you can focus 100% of your attention on your child.  However - we know how cute the kids can be when dancing or playing music!  If you just have to capture a quick pic, please only snap your own child's photo and then tuck your phone back away.  You  may post pictures from class to social media (and tag Music Together North Shore, too!) only if the photo exclusively features your own child.  Not all families are comfortable with social media and so we must respect our classmates' privacy.

Is there time to socialize during class?
Music Together Mixed Ages classes are designed to involve the parent/caregiver throughout the entire session.  Grown-ups are expected to participate fully and model the movement, singing, and general silliness that Ms. Kristen is leading.  Your child will learn best by watching you and the rest of the class participate.  So, no, there is no time to chat during class.  However, you will be surprised how easy it is to make friends with your fellow music-making families. There is plenty of opportunity for the children to interact during class - and after class, there are always group picnics, outings to coffee shops or parks and at a minimum, social time on the way to the car. 

May we bring snacks for our children?
Bottles/spill-free cups for babies and nursing are totally acceptable during class.  There is absolutely no food allowed on the studio floor.  If you must have a snack, please limit it to a nut-free, not-too-crumbly snack and keep it in the front of the studio, away from the classroom, instruments and other children.  

Stuffed animals and other toys in the classroom...
From time to time, Ms. Kristen may ask you to bring a favorite stuffed animal to class.  However, generally speaking, I ask that toys from home remain outside of the classroom.  Outside toys ultimately result in power struggles, frustration and lots of sad feelings - which are not conducive to a productive classroom experience.  We will have LOTS of fun in the classroom without toys from home - I promise!

I can’t sing or dance!  How can I be a good model for my children?
Your child will NOT care if you sing off key!  The important thing is that you, as the caregiver, participate during class.  When you are at home, utilize the Music Together C.D. or download the songs so your child can hear the correct pitches and rhythms.  You can continue to be a good model for your child just by playing the music and engaging with your child while you listen together.  You never know, maybe you’ll get the hang of it yourself with practice!

Will my child be able to play an instrument after taking Music Together classes?
Music Together does not teach children how to play instruments.  It teaches them “Basic Music Competence:” Finding rhythm and recalling pitch.  This “Basic Music Competence” is the springboard from which future, more formal music instruction can develop.  Scientific research has proven that all children are born with the ability to understand pitch and rhythm, but that skill needs to be practiced in order to fully develop into Basic Music Competence.  The younger the age, the more naturally this will occur, as the brain synapses are flexible and rapidly developing.  Research has shown that after the age of nine, these brain synapses are already developed and whatever sense of rhythm and pitch a child has at this point is about what he/she will have for life. 


Music Together art & logo design copyright© 1992-2024 Music together LLC.  Music Together is a registered trademark. Music Together North Shore is licensed by Music Together LLC. 
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