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Are you ready to join in the fun?

Read below for class schedules, tuition rates, location, and what's included in your session.  When you're ready to register, click on the "register here" button to be taken to the online registration form.  

If you ever have any questions or would like to join the mailing list, do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Kristen via email or phone/text!


The Tambourine Collection of songs includes traditional folksongs from around the world in French, Spanish, Russian and of course, English.  Some long-time Music Together favorites include Tingalayo, Little Blue Car and Round Robin.  We cannot WAIT to share these songs with you and get your little ones singing, dancing and making REAL music together. 

Join us this April thru June for 8 weeks of music learning and fun!  Please fill out our Spring Music Class Interest Form.  This will help us plan for new families and hopefully get you into our next session of classes.  We will contact you in March for class placement.  It's important you let us know ALL the days you'd be available to join us for class.

Our currently enrolled families have the option to save a spot from session to session and our retention rates are very high!  By filling out this form, we cannot guarantee placement in your first choice of class, but we can make plans to add classes where we're able and hopefully get you and your family into our circle!



8 week session
Parent/caregiver with child age 0-5
$170 plus $20 per additional sibling.
Newborns born after 6/1/2024 are included with a sibling
All classes are at the Creator Collaborative Studio:  
151 E Silver Spring Dr. Whitefish Bay, WI 53217

Winter Mixed Ages Class Schedule - Registration is closed 

Mondays with Ms. Kristen 
1/6, 1/13
, (no class 1/20), 1/27, 2/3, 2/10*, 2/17, 2/24, 3/3
9:00-9:45 w/Ms. Kristen (Full)
10:15-11:00 w/Ms. Kristen (Ful)

Tuesdays with Ms. Kristen
1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11*, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4
9:00-9:45 w/Ms. Kristen (Full)
10:15-11:00 w/Ms. Kristen (Full)
11:30-12:15 W/Ms. Kristen (Full)

Wednesdays with Ms. Karen OR Ms. Kristen
1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12*, 2/19, 2/26, 3/5
9:00-9:45 w/Ms. Karen OR Ms. Kristen (Full)
10:15-11:00 w/Ms. Karen OR Ms. Kristen (Full)
12:30-1:15 w/Ms. Kristen (Full)

Thursdays with Ms. Karen
1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13*, 2/20, 2/27, 3/6

9:00-9:45 (Full)
10:15-11:00 (Full)

Fridays with Ms. Kristen
1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14*, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7
9:00-9:45 (Full)
10:15-11:00  (Full)

11:30-12:15  (Full)

Fridays with Ms. Karen

1/10, 117, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14*, 2/21, 2/28
9:00-9:45 (Full)
10:15-11:00 (Full)


*We'll be celebrating Valentine's Day with a special friendship party following class.  Children are welcome to bring non-food valentines (but this is NOT necessary) and your teacher will provide bagels and coffee.

Mixed Ages
Babies Only Classes

8 Week Session
Parent/caregiver with child age 0-8months (non-crawler)

Dates not yet finalized, most likely:
4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6*, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27

Tuition: $155

Tuesdays at 1-1:45pm
*Special Grown-up/Mother's Day Celebration during class


8 week session

Children ages 4-7 - parent/caregiver optional (you may stay OR drop off your child)
Please read all about our Rhythm Kids classes here to see if it's the right class for you!
$175 plus $50 per additional sibling
Classes at Brass Bell Music Store
210 W. Silver Spring Dr.  Whitefish Bay
(Just east of Bayshore Mall - next to Neroli Spa)

Signing up for Mixed Ages or Babies too?  Take $50 off your total tuition!

Winter Class Schedule
Wednesdays 1:50 - 2:35pm
1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, 3/5
Fridays 3:45-4:15 - Class Full
1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14*, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7

Djembe Drum Required - click here for details.

Upcoming Rhythm Kids Classes/Camp

We will be offering an 8 week Spring Session of Rhythm Kids, running April thru June and we already have our Summer Camp schedule set and open for registration!  We know your Summer Schedules fill up so we wanted to make this available to you.

Spring Class Schedule
Wednesdays 1:50 - 2:35pm
4/9, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21, 5/28
Fridays 3:45-4:15
4/11, 4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, (no class 5/16), 5/23, 5/30, 6/6


5-Day Rhythm Kids Summer Camp Options

July 7-11th 9:15-10:30am
July 21st-25th 11:00-12:15

Join us for 5-days of music-learning!  Our outdoor camps provide an immersive music-education experience!  Through drumming, dancing, singing, crafts, games and hands-on instrument exploration, we use all our senses to fully express ourselves through music.  These camps sell out FAST!  Parent stay or drop off.  

Click here for a video all about our Summer Camps!


Djembe Drum Required - click here for details.

Rhythm Kids
Illness Mitigation Policies

COVID-19/Cold/Flu/Illness Mitigation Policies

Risk mitigation policies:
Music Together North Shore is proud to have safely continued classes throughout the entire pandemic.  Whether online, outdoors or indoors, our risk mitigation strategies have kept young children safe.  We follow a more cautious approach, with the understanding that post-partum emotions run high enough.  If joining a music class can help one new parent feel integrated with their community, then we want that parent out in the community with us.  Therefore, we as a community of music-makers, assume the responsibility of doing everything we can to keep each other's babies as safe as possible, removing as many "what if's" from a worried new parents' shoulders. 

Following these risk mitigation strategies does NOT eliminate your risk of contracting/spreading Covid-19 or other illness.  All families participating in classes assume the risk of contracting Covid-19 or other illness and do so according to their own will.

  • NOTE:  Ms. Kristen is fully vaccinated for flu and covid.  She also takes a covid test whenever a sniffle comes on.

  • Our number one mitigation measure:  Any family with members of their household who are significantly ill agree to not participate in class that week.  Illness includes any fever over 99.0, vomiting or diarrhea, new rash, new cough or new sore throat.

  • Please read our more detailed absence policy here.  

  • Families with members of their household with stuffy noses, nagging mild cough, or other mild illness are welcome to participate, but we ask that if possible,  you stay in your "family area" without wandering too much in class.

  • A Medify-Air Hepa air filter is running throughout class in our large, airy studio, cycling through the space every 30 minutes.

  • Hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout class.

  • Make-Up classes are very limited, but most families CAN get all 8 classes in by utilizing our Make-Up Scheduler.    There are no refunds for missed classes.  The "Bonus Week" will allow for potential make-ups for families who missed classes.

  • What is Ms. Kristen cleaning instruments with?  Simple Green D Pro - recommended for food preparation facilities and listed on the EPA website as tested for Covid-19.  Instruments will be sprayed and left for 3 minutes, dried and then wiped with microfiber/water

  • Participants assume all risks associated with gathering and willingly participate.

Indoor Session Locations

The Creator Collaborative Studio  - 151 E. Silver Spring Dr. (Kent and Silver Spring)
Welcome to the happiest place in the Bay!  There is so much creative energy in this studio, between our Music Together classes, my choir, and the dance, theatre and improv classes that the studio provides - this space is pure MAGIC.   No street shoes allowed on the studio floor - so wear comfy socks.  Park anywhere on Kent or Silver Spring - OR walk and park your stroller in our spacious lobby.

Brass Bell Music Store - 210 W. Silver Spring Dr.
(Same shopping center as Neroli Spa, just east of Bayshore Mall)

A PERFECT location for our Rhythm Kids indoor classes. Park in the large lot and make your way to the back of the store - come early or plan on staying late to try out all the incredible instruments at the front of the store!  You can also purchase your djembe drum for class in the shop.

Outdoor Session Locations

Schoolhouse Park OR Library Park (at Marlborough and Birch)
5445 N Marlborough Dr, Whitefish Bay, WI 53217

Located just across the street from the Whitefish Bay Public Library.  These grassy areas are in the heart of Whitefish Bay and offer us shade, close access to the Whitefish Bay library restrooms, and a quick walk to local businesses for a snack after class!  We LOVE being outdoors in Summer!


What's Included?

  • Weekly 45-minute classes with research-based early childhood music curriculum

  • Online resources just for Music Together and Rhythm Kids families - Music Together Worldwide has created the Family Music Zone for all registered families to find outstanding supplemental resources.

  • One professionally recorded CD’s of the current song collection and/or a free app to download all the songs on your devices

  • A beautifully illustrated songbook the whole family will enjoy. 

  • For Rhythm Kids:  Access to an online library of drumming videos to practice with at home through the Family Music Zone - Mr. Tom in the videos founded the program and kids LOVE him!

  • A quarterly e-newsletter published by Music Together Worldwide

  • New families receive a published guide for parents and caregivers of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners

What's Included
Tuition Rates

Mixed Ages 8-week Indoor Session - $170 for the first child
Additional siblings are $20 per child*

*Baby siblings under 8 months old as of the start date are included with older siblings' tuition.


Babies Only 8-week Indoor Session - $155 per family

Rhythm Kids 8-Week Indoor Session - $175 for the first child
Additional siblings are $50 per child
(An adult is welcome to participate alongside child, but not required)

Enrolling in a combination of Mixed Ages and/or Babies Only and/or
Rhythm Kids?  Take $50 off your total tuition!


Mixed Ages 5-week Outdoor Session - $115 for the first child
Additional siblings are $15 per child

Rhythm Kids 5-Day Outdoor Summer Camp - $130 for the first child
Additional siblings are $50 per child


Enrolling in a combination of Summer Mixed Ages and/or Rhythm Kids?  Take $25 off your total tuition!

Please contact Ms. Kristen if you are part of a nanny-share or unique "pod
learning" situation where multiple families will participate in the same household. Each individual family must have its own set of licensed materials - this is required for me to teach the licensed Music Together curriculum.

Music Together art & logo design copyright© 1992-2024 Music together LLC.  Music Together is a registered trademark. Music Together North Shore is licensed by Music Together LLC. 
For more Music Together locations:

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